Sequoia House
Placerville, CA
Sequoia House
Placerville, CA
When: October 27, 2006
Located: 643 Bee St. Placerville, CA 95667, currently closed
Dave and Ann were asked to investigate the former Bee-Bennett House during the 2006 Halloween season with various team members. Upon arriving, the team heard numerous ghost stories dating back to the time to it's original owners in 1853.
This is a massive three story building with a full wine cellar. We began on the ground floor in the restaurant at closing time.
- Above is a series of eight images taken by Ann. Four were taken with no flash, asking any spirits to show themselves. Four were taken with a flash.
- Below is this image zoomed in.
Below is another image from the dining area.
- Above is one of the series with only a person outside the window and another person to Ann's right. No living people are inside the dinning area.
- Below is this image zoomed in.
Below is another image from the dining area.
Ann moved to the front upstairs room, were she encountered the spirit of a little girl. Dave took EMF and temperature measurements throughout the upstairs, as he did downstairs. Nothing was strongly out of range upstairs. Since the building was built in 1853, wiring accounted for many EMF variants.
Since the downstairs ballroom was once used for elk lodge meetings at midnight, the team moved to that area as midnight approached. Below is what happened on stage at midnight.
Ann took numerous pictures without and with a flash. In the very first image, a dark shadow quickly moved across the stage from right to left.
Ann continued to take more images after the shadow was no longer seen. No flash was used and the camera was on a tripod.
After combing through the massive 8,000 sq foot building, we were exhausted. And we should also note, that across the street is a very old cemetery. Our next visit should be there, to see if the children at the Sequoia might be from the cemetery.
Unfortunately, the Sequoia House is currently closed.